
I am warning you (B)

books / 2021

"I Am Warning You" is a book-quadtych dedicated to three different border walls: American-Mexican (#13767), Hungarian-Serbian-Croatian (I Am Warning You) and the Berlin Wall (Death Strip). Collectively, alongside a collection of essays by Michael Dear, Ziemowit Szczerek and Antje Rávic Strubel, they present an architectural survey dedicated to propaganda and control whilst also collecting experiences—the memories and scars—of the borderland communities. The quadtych represents various physical structures that are degrading from one book to another—from the heavily fortified American wall to the Hungarian electric fence to the traces and memory imprints of the Berlin Wall.

#13767 / I Am Warning You / Death Strip / Collected Essays / Designed by Ania Nałęcka-Milach / Texts by Michael Dear, Antje Rávic Strubel and Ziemowit Szczerek / Published by GOST 2021 / ISBN 978-1-910401-60-6 /210 x 265 mm, 312 pages


©Rafał Milach 2022

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